Vincent Warner

Vincent Warner


Based in Hong Kong, Vincent founded Chepstow Capital in 2008 to advise on and provide access to private investments in Asia and to help Asian investors and companies to invest in Europe. Chepstow Capital and affiliated companies have established and managed closed-end funds for investment in Asia with a particular focus on China, and including on-shore RMB and off-shore USD structures. In addition, Chepstow Capital has assisted families as they develop investment programmes and make investments in Asia and Europe.

Vincent graduated from Oriel College, Oxford University with a BA Hons in Jurisprudence in 1987, and joined the venture capital subsidiary of Lloyds Merchant Bank (now known as LDC) where he was trained and was part of a team making venture capital and private equity investments in the UK until 1993.

In 1995, after 2 years with Sydney based AusAsean Management, he joined and spent 12 years with HSBC’s Asian private equity business based in Hong Kong, where his responsibilities and titles included management of HSBC’s Asian portfolio; Head of Fund Raising; Finance Director; Member of the Investment Committee; management oversight of HSBC’s separate Indian private equity business; representing HSBC on the boards of three listed investment funds; formation and management of HSBC’s Asian venture capital business; and CEO and CIO of HSBC’s Global Proprietary Investment Fund business.

Having spent time in large banks and his own boutique firm, investing as a principal and assisting clients in an advisory capacity, operating across numerous time zones over a 35-year period, Vincent is well placed and experienced to assist clients to achieve their investment objectives and in particular to help them navigate foreign jurisdictions and to provide local presence and support in Asia for non-Asian persons and entities wishing to transact or expand their operations in Asia.
